Scoil Teampall Toinne Enrolment
Please return form to the school by March 1st, 2024
If you intend on enrolling your child in Scoil Teampall Toinne for the next academic year then you will find everything you need here. Please return enrolment form to the school by the 1st March 2024.
Read the enrolment policy and fill out all the sections / information as requested. (PDF Form below)
You will need your child's PPSN number, birth cert and baptismal cert if applicable.
Once you have all the documents filled out you can email us a copy of your scanned application, and associated certs, or simply post your application to the school but please mark it 'Enrolment Forms'.
We will then be in touch with you in relation to everything else about getting started in September.
There is also a booklet with some helpful information for preparing your child for Junior Infants which you might find helpful.
We will host a 'Welcome Day' in June where we invite the new infants to come and see their new school, meet their teacher, see their classroom and get to know their new classmates.
We understand it's a massive decision for parents to make so please don't hesitate in asking any questions you may have.
Read the enrolment policy and fill out all the sections / information as requested. (PDF Form below)
You will need your child's PPSN number, birth cert and baptismal cert if applicable.
Once you have all the documents filled out you can email us a copy of your scanned application, and associated certs, or simply post your application to the school but please mark it 'Enrolment Forms'.
We will then be in touch with you in relation to everything else about getting started in September.
There is also a booklet with some helpful information for preparing your child for Junior Infants which you might find helpful.
We will host a 'Welcome Day' in June where we invite the new infants to come and see their new school, meet their teacher, see their classroom and get to know their new classmates.
We understand it's a massive decision for parents to make so please don't hesitate in asking any questions you may have.
Enrolment form 2024/2025
Please return form by the 1st March 2024.
-Please download, fill in and return to the school.
Code of Conduct Policy